Parent Guides


Grogan Elementary School


Grogan Elementary School will follow the parent involvement policy guidelines in

accordance with the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Section 1118. Grogan Elementary School will distribute and make this Parent Involvement Policy readily available to the parents of each student participating in the Schoolwide Title I program and with parent input, update the policy periodically.


A. Grogan Elementary School will convene an annual meeting in the fall of each school year. The purpose for the meeting will be to share the information in the Annual Report, which describes the school improvement goal statements and the progress made by our students on the statewide academic assessments and discuss the school-wide Title I Plan, which was developed by the staff, parents, and community.


B. Title I provisions require that parents have the right to be involved in decisions related to their children’s education, and the school is required to seek input from parents in a variety of ways. Grogan Elementary School will meet these requirements by using the following avenues:

a) The school improvement team will have parental representation at meetings where budget, and student assessment data and instructional strategies are discussed, developed or revised, where the expenditure of funds for a variety of programs related to the school improvement goal statements, such as family involvement curriculum nights, parent education programs, community outreach efforts, and tutoring programs.

b) Individual Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held in December and April.

c) Parent surveys to determine parental satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the academic program, the school climate, the school improvement plan, and other important key issues involving parent-teacher partnerships including homework and communication between home and school.


C. Grogan Elementary School will offer a flexible schedule of meetings to encourage parents’ attendance with a variety of schedules. School Improvement meetings will be held after school.


D. Parent input will be sought specifically through parent surveys and parent participation in committees and activities for the development and revision of our parent-involvement policy, our Parent-School Compact, and our Schoolwide Title I Plan.


E. Parents will be provided with timely information in the following ways:

Building-wide monthly happenings (this includes building and district wide activities and important dates); report cards will be issued at the end of each trimester, scheduled Parent/Teacher Conferences, phone calls, emails, Counseling Department Brochures, Southgate Community School District website; Grogan Elementary School website; Individual classroom websites, Grogan Gazette newsletter; and Parent-Student Handbook and Common Procedures.


F. Parents will receive a beginning of the year packet outlining individual classroom curriculum and policies for each grade level.


G. Parents will be informed of the academic assessments that are used to measure student progress. Parents will also receive copies of the student assessment results with the levels of proficiency defined, including parent friendly individual reports on the MEAP.


H. As described in Paragraph B, parents are given opportunities for decision-making related to the education of their children.


I. Parents will be given materials and training on how they can improve their child’s achievement. Some examples include: curriculum nights to inform the parents on the curriculum being taught at that specific time of the year. A newsletter is sent home monthly which includes at home educational tips for parents.


J. The staff of Grogan Elementary School will continue to train on the best ways to build positive relationships between home and school.


K. Grogan Elementary School will continue the preschool transitioning program, which provides training to preschool parents and/or preschool teachers on the skills these students will need when they enter kindergarten. In May, the fifth grade students attend orientation at Davidson Middle School.


L. Grogan Elementary School has bilingual tutors provided by Wayne County RESA. Tutors are available for translation at Parent – Teacher conferences.


M. Grogan Elementary School has a social worker that assists parents with information on an as needed basis. Some of the services available are: a food bank, MiChild Insurance, social service, health, or educational programs within the community. We also have Southeast Michigan Youth Resource Guide available as needed.


O. Grogan Elementary School has a Parent Compact. The Compact is used annually at parent conferences and signed by the parents, teachers, and students. The Compact is reviewed each year, and the necessary revisions are made according to suggestions by parents, students, and staff.


P. Grogan Elementary School provides reasonable support for parental involvement by allowing parents to volunteer in the building and in classrooms. Parents are requested to attend open houses, special events, and assemblies. Parents are encouraged to participate in a variety of ways, which allows for a rich partnership with parents and benefits the students and staff.


Q. Grogan Elementary School provides full opportunities for the participation of parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory children, including providing information and school reports required under section 1111 in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a language such parents understand.